Find Sponsorship Opportunities

Connecting creators with the companies looking to sponsor them

Find Sponsors

Woman with credit card and cash

Check out our sponsorship companies list, a curated collection of companies looking to sponsor creators of all kinds.

Collect Tips

Two people digitally exchanging cash

Collect tips for your stream, YouTube channel, podcast and more with our free, sleek, personalized web pages.

Create Opportunities

Businessman pitching his idea

Post your unique, custom sponsorship opportunities and accept payment right on our platform.

Collect tips from your fans and get sponsored by companies and brands!

Looking For Sponsor is dedicated to empowering content creators and sponsorship seekers of all kinds. Whether you're a YouTuber ready to turn your hobby into a side-hustle or a nonprofit looking for companies that sponsor events, we've got something to help you reach your goals.

Who Uses Looking For Sponsor?

If you're looking for a sponsorship or looking to collect tips from your passionate fans, then Looking For Sponsor is for you.

All types of content creators and organizations use our platform, including: